Bus Limited Traffic Zone (ZTLbus) of Venice
The City of Venice regulates tourist bus access in its territory, providing a BUS Limited Traffic Zone (ZTL BUS) in order to organize traffic toward Venice and the historic center, the extraordinary flow of tourists compatible with the ordinary lives of city residents. Since 25 March 2002, tourist buses that require access into ZTL BUS must first obtain a pass issued by the company of the City of Venice put in charge to run the service. The pass can be purchased at the check-in. Pass prices vary according to the final destination of the bus, with discounts for subscription purchases and for school groups. Vehicles entering the ZTL BUS zone without a pass must follow the route indicated by road signs, which will lead them to the check-ins. Buses may stop in the ZTL BUS zone only in authorized boarding and debusing areas, in dedicated car parks and in private car parks that may be reached by showing the pass. More information at www.asmvenezia.it
The ZTLbus for the embarkation/disembarkation in Fusina -Exception pass
The area of Fusina is liable to tax of the ZTLbus of € 250,00 (except changes), for the groups that board the ship to visit Venice and its islands
For the groups that board the ship in Fusina to visit the Brenta Canal, the exception pass cost € 50,00 for Euro 4 buses and € 60,00 for buses of all other categories (except changes).
The tourist buses have to buy a pass sheet and put it on the bus-windscreen and it is available at the check-in of Fusina parking too.
Malcontenta, external area ZTLbus, no tax area
For the groups that go aboard or disembark at Malcontenta, there is the possibility to avoid the ZTLbus and as a consequence to save the cost, using the area behind Villa Foscari Malcontenta as point of loading/unloading. As it is underlined in the map below, the bus, arriving from the main road “Romea”, has to turn at the traffic lights of Malcontenta and to stop in front of the Gallimberti Hotel, that is behind Villa Foscari, near the point of boarding to the boats.
